Mapping with ggplot2

Adam Sparks
Feb 9, 2020

Building on what we've learned

We will use what we've already learned about ggplot2 to create maps in R using data from Del Ponte and Belachew (2020) and from, a source for administrative map data.

First, load the libraries needed for this work.

library(dplyr) # Manipulate data in R
library(ggplot2) # Create great plots in R!
library(ggsn) # Add scale bars and north arrows to sf maps in R
library(here) # Simplify file paths in R
library(readr) # Import tabular data in R
library(sf) # sf stands for "Simple Features", spatial data in R

Downloading the Map Data from GADM

GADM is a free resource for research and non-commercial purposes. Read more at Here we'll set up our R session to download the file. Just for the purposes of the presentation, I've broken up the URL here so that we can fit everything on the presentation slide. Ordinarily there's no need to use paste0() to create a URL!

# Remote file information
u_remote <- ""
p_remote <- "data/gadm3.6/Rsf/"
f_name <- "gadm36_ETH_3_sf.rds"

Files will be saved to R's tempdir(), which is deleted when you close your R session. If you want to keep the files, specify a different file path.

ethiopia_rds <- file.path(tempdir(), "gadm36_ETH_3_sf.rds")

We need check the OS first due to Windows handling of downloads, then download.

if (toupper(["sysname"]) == "WINDOWS") {
    url = paste0(u_remote, p_remote, f_name),
    destfile = ethiopia_rds,
    method = "wininet",
    mode = "wb"
} else {
    url = paste0(u_remote, p_remote, f_name),
    destfile = ethiopia_rds,
    method = "auto"

Read GADM Data Into R

GADM distributes native R files in .rds format that we then import.

ethiopia_sf <- readRDS(ethiopia_rds)

Plot Ethiopia Using ggplot2

ethiopia_ggplot <- ggplot(ethiopia_sf) +
  geom_sf(fill = "white")


plot of chunk ggplot-ethiopia

What's Available to Map?

We can see that there are several zones, shown as the smaller polygons within the larger country outline, in this data set. We can find out which columns are available to use in our maps.

 [1] "GID_0"     "NAME_0"    "GID_1"     "NAME_1"    "NL_NAME_1" "GID_2"    
 [7] "NAME_2"    "NL_NAME_2" "GID_3"     "NAME_3"    "VARNAME_3" "NL_NAME_3"
[13] "TYPE_3"    "ENGTYPE_3" "CC_3"      "HASC_3"    "geometry" 

Grouping by and Labelling Regions

We can group the GADM data using dplyr::group_by() to group the polygons into larger regions and add labels to them. In this data set, there are three levels and three columns we might be interested in.

  • NAME_0 refers to the country level and gives a whole country outline,
  • NAME_1 refers to the second level of administrative boundaries, e.g. states within the USA,
  • NAME_2 refers to the third level of administrative boundaries, e.g. counties or parishes within a US state, and
  • NAME_3 refers to the fourth level of administrative boundaries, e.g. districts within counties in a US state.

Grouping by any value, 0 - 2 will aggregate or dissolve the lines within the map producing larger polygons. Here we will group by NAME_1 for the regions. We can also use mutate() to modify values as shown here.

ethiopia_regions_sf <-
  ethiopia_sf %>% 
    mutate(NAME_1 = gsub("Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples", "SNNP",
                       NAME_1)) %>%
  group_by(NAME_1) %>%
  summarise() %>%
  ungroup() %>%

Using geom_sf_text() we can add labels to the map.

ethiopia_regions_ggplot <- 
  ggplot(ethiopia_regions_sf) +
  geom_sf(fill = "white") +
    aes(label = NAME_1),
    size = 2.5,
    hjust = 1

plot of chunk labelled-regions

Add theming and proper labels

ethiopia_regions_ggplot <- 
  ethiopia_regions_ggplot +
  labs(x = "Longitude",
       y = "Latitude") +

plot of chunk themed-regions

Adding Points to the Map

Now we will build on the maps we created by adding the survey location points that Del Ponte and Belachew (2020) used with latitude and longitude values from their CSV file.

coffee_survey <-
  read_csv(here("data", "survey_clean.csv"))

Convert Coffee Survey Location Data to sf

While we could plot everything using geom_point() directly from the .CSV file data.frame, but if we convert the data.frame to an sf object it is much more flexible for mapping with other sf objects in ggplot2.

coffee_survey_sf <-
           coords = c("lon", "lat"),
           crs = 4326)

Add Survey Locations to the Map

Using the already existing ggplot2 object, ethiopia_regions_ggplot, we can add the new coffee_survey_sf object to our map!

ethiopia_regions_ggplot +
  geom_sf(data = coffee_survey_sf,
          size = 2,
          color = alpha("black", 0.35))

A Note on the Warning

Warning message:
In st_point_on_surface.sfc(sf::st_zm(x)) :
  st_point_on_surface may not give correct results for longitude/latitude data

Ethiopia is very near the equator, the distortion is minimal and the approximation of a flat two-dimensional surface is reasonable, so the points will be accurately displayed and we can ignore the warning.

plot of chunk add-points-to-map_include

Highlighting Specific Regions

Because sf is a data.frame, it works well with dplyr so we can filter() the regions that we want to display.

We will create two layers. The first will be the outline of the country. The second will be the regions we wish to highlight.

# First layer, country outline
ethiopia_simple_sf <-
  ethiopia_sf %>%
  group_by(NAME_0) %>%
  summarise() %>%
  ungroup() %>%

Create object of regions only to be highlighted.

# Second layer, regions we're interested in
oromia_snnp_sf <- filter(ethiopia_regions_sf,
                         NAME_1 == "Oromia" |
                           NAME_1 == "SNNP")

Combining Layers to Highlight Regions

snnp_oromia_ggplot2 <- ggplot() +
  geom_sf(data = ethiopia_simple_sf,
          col = NA) +
  geom_sf(data = oromia_snnp_sf,
          aes(linetype = NAME_1,
              fill = NAME_1)) +
  scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Dark2") +
    caption = "Data from GADM (",
    fill = "Region",
    linetype = "Region",
    x = "Longitude",
    y = "Latitude"
  ) +

plot of chunk plot-snnp-orimia-include

Going Further

Del Ponte and Belechew (2020) display a map that highlights the two regions, Oromia and SNNP with the zones within them where surveys were conducted also coloured.

First we need to select the zones that were included in the survey.

ethiopia_zones_sf <- 
  ethiopia_sf %>%
    NAME_2 %in% c(
      "Mirab Welega",
      "Bench Maji",

Plot the data to check.

final_map <- ggplot() +
  geom_sf(data = ethiopia_simple_sf,
          col = NA,
          fill = "#D5C1AB") + # use a coffee-ish colour background for country
  geom_sf(data = oromia_snnp_sf, # add the two regions in white
          aes(linetype = NAME_1),
          fill = "white") +
  geom_sf(data = ethiopia_zones_sf, # add zones and fill by name
          aes(fill = NAME_2),
          colour = NA) + # no outline colour
  geom_sf(data = coffee_survey_sf,
          # add survey points
          size = 2,
          colour = alpha("black", 0.35))

plot of chunk final-map1-display

Add Zone Colours

final_map <- 
  final_map +
  scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Set3") # this colours the zones,

plot of chunk final-map2-display

Add Descriptive Labelling

final_map <- 
  final_map +
    x = "Longitude",
    y = "Latitude",
    title = "Ethiopian Coffee Leaf Rust Survey Sites",
    caption = "Data from GADM,, and Del Ponte & Belachew, 2020,",
    fill = "Zone",
    linetype = "Region"

plot of chunk final-map3-display

Add Final Touches

Lastly, add standard map items like a scale bar and north arrow using functions from ggsn, scalebar() and north().

final_map <-
  final_map +
  north(ethiopia_simple_sf) + # from ggsn
  scalebar( # from ggsn
    dist = 250,
    st.size = 2.5,
    dist_unit = "km",
    transform = TRUE,
    model = "WGS84"
  ) +

The Finished Product!

plot of chunk final-map